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Learning Pods
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Learning Pods

You’re probably already familiar with the term 'homeschooling”' which basically refers to the process in which one or more children of not more than 2 families are instructed by parents or legal guardians, or a member of either household (laws vary state to state). In response to the pandemic, we’ve seen an increase in Learning Pods, sometimes referred to as Homeschool Pods are best defined as a group of students of similar age and grade (or who share similar needs or learning styles) who group together and plan to study in one specific home, using an agreed upon curriculum. The groups are typically up to 10 students who regularly meet with a private teacher hired to either manage the coursework assigned by the students’ school (for those enrolled in online learning), or to provide supervision for self-directed learning.

Read State Policy Network’s discussion of Learning pods to understand the difference between micro-schools and learning pods as described in our discussion.

So how do I make this a home-based business?

Learning pods have the ability to be very responsive to the needs of children who need more flexibility in their educational setting. For example, you can open a learning pod designed for families who wish to “unschool” their children. Unschooling is the most fluid style of homeschooling that allows children to engage in self-directed learning. This type of learning styles works well for some children, however it is not yet integrated into the public school setting and most parents do not have the ability to manage in-home learning. Starting a Learning Pod is a great way to exercise your entrepreneurial muscle by finding an underserved niche in your area. Here is a great guide for understating how to get started.

Once you’ve decided that this is the home-based business for you, head on over to our Learning Pod collection to get the supplies you need to get started.



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